Chef Romando

I started cooking at a very young age. I remember always being fascinated with different types of food, smells, and presentations. So I would always be in the kitchen mostly with grandparents, and great grandparents wanting to learn. They would tell me watch, pay attention, learn, don’t deviate from the steps we’re showing you, and don’t tell anyone outside of the family lol. So I began to pay close attention, practice until I got it down, and it tasted like theirs. I can remember them saying one day you will be be taking over the holidays, and Sunday dinners. Let’s just say those Sunday dinners started sooner than later lol. Then around the early 2000s I had to start making certain dishes on the holidays, then that turned into making the entire Thanksgiving meal. Since about 2006 until now I have been in charge of holiday meals lol, but I have enjoyed cooking family recipes and some of my own for family, friends, church members, and events. I have also enjoyed my time in the restaurant setting as a chef in a family restaurant, and another high end restaurant! Cooking is  my passion, I love to make good food and put great smiles on peoples faces.